How lovely is this ad by Dove?
What do you see?
I see a beautiful little multi-racial girl whose identity concerning beauty, has been affirmed.
The quote says "Now I know my hair is beautiful."
Young girls and adults alike, struggle with their hair. White, black, multi-racial. It's more common than you think; you'd never know it. The kinks, the knots. The EFFORT.
I think not only that her hair is beautiful, she is beautiful just as she is. The way God created her to be. And, Dove is beautiful for pushing such a wonderful, uplifting and inspiring campaign. Advertising and media images are powerful. Young girls aspire to be like the girls they see in the magazines and on T.V.
So, why not have a beautiful multi-racial girl for an ad? She's gorgeous, and I hope that other girls can see the beauty in themselves, from this little girl.

Perfectly stated!!