The cheese is a "new low price" item at Food Lion, so it will always be $2. This deal ends 6/29 because that is when the FLIP [coupon] expires.
I nabbed three free blocks today! No tax! NOTHING! Thanks to the girls on AFC. I think it is safe to admit that I have become bit of a cheese connoisseur over the past few years!! I mean I know Food Lion cheese doesn’t necessarily meet the list of “special cheese” requirements, but it is sooo good! Sharp and extra sharp cheddar cheese in any brand is going to treat you really well!
I was able to freeze these once I got them home and the taste was superb, only there was some crumbling. Here’s to cheese lovers around the world! Saltine crackers with cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, cheese eggs, grated cheese topping… Cheers! Ohh how I wish I had more Q’s so I could stockpile these one by one. I’m just glad I was able to get in on this deal!!