- You have spoken. Your thoughts DO count, so thank you for contacting me with your suggestions and ideas to make this an exceptional Blog for all of us to enjoy. I have received e-mails and various messages about your needs. With that being said, immediately I will be including a post on an introduction to blogging for newbies. This will help you with setting up your first Blog in order to participate on Mystery Shoppers Unite, or with any other Blog in the Blogosphere. Creating your own Blog will really help you to grasp the idea of this entire Mystery Shoppers Unite page; and, you'll be introduced to some additional other fabulous Blogs as well. [I am only one person, so until I can get this informational post out, please take the initiative to sign up for Blogger.com and follow the easy step-by-step instructions to create your first blog. Once you have done this, begin surfing the Blogosphere on your own; it's just like surfing the Web].
- I am working on getting set up on YAHOO! Messenger too. YAHOO! Messenger is like an instant messaging tool. Once set up, you will be able to get in contact with me immediately concerning the brand new Blog I'm creating for you. After we get established, YAHOO! Messenger will be used for "Instant" type-of interactive activities for us within the Blog. Please take a moment and sign up for YAHOO! Instant Messenger and add me to your contacts list: mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com. I will let all of you know when I have that up and running, but if you're quick like me you'll probably see me pop up on your messenger before I create a post about it! ;)
- Continue to spread the word about Mystery Shoppers Unite. This social network is for you and it will flourish most by word-of-mouth from all of you.
- You can always e-mail me any time, I check it frequently: mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com.
- New Button created for distribution! Yaay, I'm excited. The directions on how to get it are below in the first post. Post it to your page, tell the whole world! ...tell the Blogoworld too ;) (I think I just made that word up, lol) ...send it to your favorite people, :D :D
- Poll Questions added with more choices.
- More Interactive Activities added to list.
- Continue to spread the word about Mystery Shoppers Unite. This social network is for you and it will flourish most by word-of-mouth from all of you.
- You can always e-mail me any time. I check it frequently: mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com.
Thank you all and I'm really looking forward to this new phenomenon within the Blogosphere! :) It's going to be great, it's kismet! I'm happy that you're apart of it too ;)
Let's get the word out about Mystery Shoppers Unite!
Go TEAM, GO! ;),
If you're new, please start at the Feb. 3rd post. Begin following this blog to immediately receive a Mystery Shopping packet. Once you join, e-mail mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com.
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