I never knew this; tell me if you did-- BUT each of the Coca-Cola 6packs have a 3-POINT CODE on EACH bottle top!! How cool is that! So, the 6pack = 18 pts and the 12pack Coke only = 12! Hahaha! That's sooo funny! And, I actually stopped buying the 6pack Cola's a while back for this very reason! I was like, hey I can get my soda and codes from the 12pack, so why bother with the bottles!
CODES on the 6packs!! YAAAY!
I would have never noticed this if it weren't for going to Harris Teeter Triple Coupons this week. It was great. I've never seen the bottles so cheap. Only $1.99 for a 6pack AND you get CODES! 18 points to be exact!! :D :D [insert huge grin here]. Doesn't get any better! :D
YAAY! Whew, so glad about that. This is my favorite drink.
Now that I've cheered Coke on, onto my deals for yesterday's HT Triples:
2 Coke 6-pack $1.99 ea
2 KRAFT Xtra Sharp Cheese $3.19 BOGO - BOGO Q = freeeeeee!
1 General Foods International Cappuccino Coolers $2.39 - $.75 Q = 14 cents
2 Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.89 - $.55 Q = $.24 ea
6 YoPlait Whips $.66 ea - $.40 Q = 6/$2.76 or $.46 ea
New-found love for the cappuccino coolers! The french vanilla is incredibly tasty! I'm a coffee-nut so these are perfect, and even more perfect with the warmer weather! YAAHOO!
I found the BOGO cheese Q in the parking lot at Food Lion, lol! And, grabbed a lot more when I went back in the store, but can't find where I put them anymore :( Sales run from Wednesday-Tuesday at HT!
Best to you all!,
I'm on Twitter: allthingsgodly