I had the most perfect trip. Cannot stop grinning
10 Special K Red Berries Cereal (fave and ONLY cereal I eat!) $25 - 2 $5 Promo - 4 $1 off 2 IPQ's = $.70
each!! (2 transactions)
4 Electrasol $2.99 - $2.50Q = $.49 each
4 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes $2 - $1Q = FREE
3 Tampax Pearl Compak 20 ct. $4.45 - $1.50Q (mailer) = $1.45 each!!
2 Airwick Refills $2.50 - $1Q = $1.50 each
1 Tampax Pearl 18 ct. $5.15, sale $4.65 - $1Q (mailer) = $2.65
1 Airwick Warmer FREE ($2.29 value wyb Airwick)
1 Gorton's Popcorn Shrimp $2.09 - $1Q = $.09 (dinner tonight!) [THANK YOU to whoever shared this deal!]
1 Carefree To_Go 56 ct. $2.50 - $1Q (mailer) = $.50!!
Really great day. I went around 12 p.m. (first and last trip); fully stocked. Plenty of Lysol Wipes and Electrasol; was shocked!
The 17 cents Heinz Ketchup 20 oz was sold out at all three stores that I visited. I considered grabbing a raincheck (trust me, I'm Queen of Rainchecks; I've even created a new envelope just for them!), but the tag said "long-term deal" so I didn't worry about it-- plus, I'm a Hunt's Ketchup girl.
Another cute thing,
There was one lone Tampax Pearl Compak left at each store-- perfect for the only three $1.50 Q's I had
The girls on AFC (afullcup.com) are so wonderful! Lots of these deal suggestions came from them, and many are from myself!
Happy Q'ing!,
I'm on Twitter: allthingsgodly

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