From: Adam
To: mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com
Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2009 5:52:31 AM
Subject: Mystery Shopping Info
I am currently in "brain sponge" mode, soaking up all the info I can get. I would really appreciate you taking the time to forward me some things.
Thank you very much,
Hi Adam,
Thank you for taking a second to write me. I can send you the information, but you must be a member of the blog Mystery Shoppers Unite. There are directions on the website about how to set up one as well as tips for new bloggers. If you need direct help setting one up, let me know and I can help you.
Hope to hear from you,
[next e-mail]
From: D.C.
To: Whitney At Mystery Shoppers Unite
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 12:24:26 AM
Subject: Re: I'm new
Hi Whitney. I got my first email today its due sat but I don't understand it says only between 21 and 30 yrs old can do this its about going and getting cigarettes. I'm not real sure what to do thanks for your help.
From: Whitney At Mystery Shoppers Unite
To: D.C.
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 7:42:39 AM
Subject: Re: I'm new
I want to make sure I understand-- a company sent you your first e-mail, correct? If you have not physically gone to the website to accept the offered cigarette shop or if you have not requested this shop by e-mailing a scheduler, you have not been assigned this shop yet.
Schedulers send out e-mails to shoppers who have registered on their websites. But, until you accept the shop you do not have to complete it. Some shops do have requirements and expect shoppers to fit the exact profile-- such as the e-mail shop offer your got: "Must be 20-30 years of age." If you do not fit the description, please do not sign up for the shop. Companies are very specific and each have a role to fulfill for their client.
I hope I understood your question fully, please message me back with any additional concerns.
Whitney[next e-mail]
From: Susan
To: mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 8:40:49 PM
Subject: Saw you on the Coupon Mom Forum about Mystery Shopping...
My name is Sue. I saw you posted under the Work at Home ideas and you said that you are a "mystery shopper". I have never heard of that.
I was wondering if you could tell me what it is, and how it works? Do you get paid cash? Do you have to pay something to start out?
I need to make some extra cash or gift cards, due to recent layoffs and budget concerns.
Please write back and tell me what a "mystery shopper" is. I tried to PM you on the site, but your PM box was full.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Have A Blessed Day
From: Whitney At Mystery Shoppers Unite
To: Susan
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:08:04 AM
Subject: Saw you on the Coupon Mom Forum about Mystery Shopping...
Hi Sue.
I hope you are doing well. I apologize in the delayed response, I'm just getting used to checking this e-mail more often ;)
Yes, Mystery Shopping. It's a pretty fun profession. Mystery Shoppers are the equivalent to self-employed persons, or Independent Contractors. The majority of Mystery Shopping Companies pay via PayPal. And, the money deposited into your PayPal can be transferred to a bank account (secured transaction) or you can keep it in your PayPal to purchase items online. It's a very flexible payment regime.
No, you are not required to pay anything to get started. If any company tries to get you to pay something to get started, don't sign up for it because this information is free to the public and it should be illegal to charge for it.
Please join us on the new Mystery Shopping Blog:
Look forward to working with you! (Mystery Shopping of course!)
If you're new, please start at the Feb. 3rd post. Begin following this blog to immediately receive a Mystery Shopping packet. Once you join, e-mail mysteryshoppersunite@ymail.com.